When I picked up this rather huge stamp which was a bargain at only $6 ... here is the direct link to it http://www.biblicalstamps.com/proddetail.php?prod=37803
I sat and read it and smiled... I forgot to take everything to Him... He offers Grace and Peace as a promise and I decided that I would make up a wall hanging to remind me..
The Stamp works a treat. I sometimes have problems with large stamps that only stamp in places or over stamp in other sections.. this one works a dream!!! it is soooo deeply etched that I stamped once and that was the image I got.... in perfection and without a single smudge, miss stamp or smear.
Some things in life really make me smile!! and working stamps are the best things EVER!!!

I added some small flowers to the edges too in white. I was going to make it as my Bible marker but worried that I would forget it was there and would be tucked away until I picked up that particular page I had marked.
Here is a close up at a jaunty angle ;) I love a jaunty angle lol...
Karen xx
Very pretty. Hope all is well at home and you will find more time for your creative outlets.